Somewhat Relevant Questions


Who are the animals in the drawings?

Some of the animals we know and love from sanctuaries.  Some animals we witnessed suffering on farms—either in person, or in footage of investigations.  We saw them in moments when their expressions, and their emotions, affected us.  We've tried to capture those emotions through illustration, and to share them with you, so that you can share them with others. 

How do you make the designs?

As illustrators and artists, it's important to us to sell products with authentic, hand-drawn designs.  Right or wrong, we still live in the old-school mindset that your hand can create emotions on a page that feel different than computer images. 

Since none of use are computer experts—or anywhere close to it—we started off thinking that we would upload photos of drawings and just put those onto products.  It didn't work.  The images were too fuzzy and low-quality when transferred, which doesn't make for great merchandise.  So, we now use an electronic drawing tablet to re-create our charcoal sketches.  After completing a sketch on paper, we upload the images and go over them with an electronic pen on a tablet.  This allows us to carry over the line-quality from the original drawings but with printable densities.

How did Nemo the cow get her name?

One of the artists has a beloved pug-mix named Nemo.  At 15 years old, she'll bite off your fingers if they come with a french fry.  When he drew the cow who you see on products, his sister said: "that kind of looks like Nemo."  We agreed.  You can decide for yourself.